Chris Reviews - Jormungand

Title: Jormungand (Season 1)
          Jormungand: Perfect Order (Season 2)

Episodes: 24 (12 episodes per season)

Released: April 2012

Genre: Action, Military, War, Violence

Official Intro



Ooh now we're getting into the good stuff, lots of guns, lots of explosions, and one hell of a lead character, its time for a Jormungand review.

This show starts by introducing a boy called Jonah, he has been recruited into the bodyguard of a young Arms Dealer called Koko Hekmatyar. Everyone in this unit has had military or police experience, and that includes Jonah, he was orphaned and forced to fight in a war in Israel, and subjected to everything that goes with being a child soldier. That includes watching his friends sent away to probe for land mines, and never returning.

He has a heart of ice due to this upbringing, and hates everything to do with weapons and war, despite being  very skilled in combat himself. Ironic that he now travels with and protects an arms dealer.

The rest of Koko's team consists of some great characters, all with unique skills and personalities, there was not a single one I did not like.

Don't fuck with Jonah

I want to talk about Koko herself, because she is the lead character I mentioned at the start. Koko is perhaps the best lead female I have seen in any anime. She is smart and methodical, and everything goes in the direction she wishes. When the situation requires it, she is cold and unyielding, other times she opens up to her unit (particularly Jonah) and shows her lighter, happier side.

I cant find a single flaw in her character. She is brilliant from start to end.

Pictured: A bad-ass lead female.

As the show goes on you are shown a side of war that is rarely shown, the idea of war profiteering. Being an Arms Dealer, Koko and her team have the power to shift wars in one direction or another, not by choice however it is the bi-product of the business, like it or not the equipment they sell has one purpose - killing other people.

She is pursued by governments, as almost everything they do is illegal, and by other arms dealers, who see her as competition. The story really picks up through season 2, giving even more development to the already well established characters.

There is a climactic ending at the end of season two, however it is one of the good ones, it feels complete and leaves you thinking. It is a great look into the darker side of war.

And the darker side of people themselves.

This is one of the anime's that falls into the "mature" category, it possesses some real world issues and does not mess around. It leaves you with a burning moral question, just how much are you willing to sacrifice for the greater good?