Chris Reviews - Un-Go

Title: Un-Go
          Un-Go: Inga-Ron (ova)

Episodes: 11 + 1

Released: October 2011

Genre: Crime, Mystery, Contemporary Fantasy

Official Opening



Firstly, copyright is a bitch, I had to link the opening from Vimeo instead of youtube because the only one I could locate on youtube had its sound ripped away due to a copyright claim. Sons of bitches. Ahem.. moving on.

I have been watching quite a few crime anime's recently, Un-Go found its way onto my list, while it is very short it is also very entertaining. Picking this up now that the OVA was released is a good idea, the OVA happens to be a prequel, or "Episode zero", I strongly recommend watching this before watching the rest of the series, it has some pretty important back story, that will give a bit more depth to what happens in the series.

The story follows a detective called Yuuki Shinjuurou, and his partner Inga (or "Boss", as Yuuki refers to her as). And their escapades as a private detective duo.

Dude, you're bleeding.

Yuuki has a sharp eye and a interest for the most difficult of mysteries, he does the job not only to help others, but also for the thrill of discovering the absolute truth. Inga however is a special case, i will not describe what makes her special, you will need to watch and see, I will give one thing away however, Inga can ask a question, one absolute question, and the one being asked has no choice but to reply with the absolute truth, what their very soul believes. Inga... feeds on these souls.

Pictured: Someone completely normal.

With a lot of cloak and dagger the show keeps you thinking all the time, what possible twists and turns can it take next, everything you would expect from a show in the mystery genre, but with a nice dark fantasy twist.

Soundtrack is decent enough, nothing that stands out but it fits quite well, animation and art style are very nice on the eye, it is a pretty looking show. The story is the main seller on this one though, its not very long or in depth, however I watched it almost start to finish, its very entertaining, leaves you wanting more, I think its because of how interesting the two main characters are, Inga in particular.

Wow what a pair, I cant believe how big that bears eyes are.

I enjoyed my time with Un-Go, however brief it was. Its difficult to pull off a memorable show with only 11 episodes, but this is one that managed it. It should find a place on your watch list.